
A Quick Note, and A Little Surprise

I haven't forgotten what I said in my email a couple Saturdays ago. I've had good intentions of getting on to finish the last color challenge that I posted.
However, instead of getting better (from sickness) like my family was doing, I continued to get worse. Just as I was diagnosed with a sinus infection, I was also 'diagnosed' with another pregnancy! So THAT'S why I couldn't fight off the sinus infection with even an ounce of strength! After getting some much needed rest this last weekend (and medication!), and finally feeling like I was getting into the groove of things again, my daughter came down with the stomach flu yesterday. I have never seen a child that young, be so sick - it was heartwrenching!
My husband took her into the ER last night, and she's doing much better today; sleeping lots!

Long story short, it may still be a couple more days until I can post the pictures from the last color challenge. My husband re-installed windows on our computer, and I need to find where he moved all of my card pictures to first! So I have not forgotten, I've just been VERY preoccupied the last couple of weeks! Thanks for being patient!

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